Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Last Week of CSC Assignment and in Nairobi

Time has just flown by. It is difficult to belive that we landed in Nairobi three weeks ago and this is our last week in Kenya.  This is going to be extremely busy week.  Starting on Monday, my team has meeting with David Mugo/IBM Kenya to go over our design on Tuesday afternoon the entire team is visiting St. Bernard Home for Children, on Wednesday we have a dry run and final check point with the client, on Thursday, our final presentation to all stakeholders, and on Friday we are visiting KenGen Geo Thermal Electricity Generation Plant.  Busy is not the work describe the grueling schedule because we still have to write our final document and review all deliverable and make changes.
Tuesday - Visit to St. Thomas Bernard Children Home (Orphanage)
Last week in Kenya. We visited St. Bernard Children Home Orphanage with a population of about 200 children. My impression is that this orphanage is well managed and children are well cared. There are about 9 homes in the compound and each home has about 12-15 children between the ages of 2 months - 19 years. Children under 11 years age attend school on the campus and then they attend boarding school. St. Bernard Home provides the fees for these children and also provides training for girls in sewing and embroidery, and for boys training in carpentry, metal craft, welding, etc. Once qualified these young adults can find employment and be able to live independently in society.  Here are some of the pictures I took on our visit:
Sewing Shop
Babies between 2 months - 18 months age
Doing Home Work

With Children of Home #8

Wednesday - Presentation at KETRACO
On Wednesday morning my team had a final check point scheduled with the EAPP IT manager Joseph Magiochi. The presentation was also attended by several people from KETRACO including the CEO. The presentation went well and we received positive comments from client.  Here are some pictures from Wednesday:

Presenting IBM Logo Goodies!
IBM CSC Team with KETRACO Staff
Thursday - Final Presentation
The day has arrived! The final presentation to stakeholders is scheduled for the morning of Thursday, June 28, 2012 and today is the day.  My team has been working extremely hard to get all deliverables ready to be delivered today. The presentation is ready and believe we have a very good, well planned, and credible solution for the Framework Design of the EAPP Information Systems Connectivity and Network. 
The presentation was extremely well received by the stakeholders and other audiences. The team received many positive comments. The EAPP CEO Mr. Jasper Oduor congratulated me in person and commented that it was exactly what they needed to move forward. Great job team!!  Here are pictures during and after our final presentation:

Starting Presentation

Introduction of Team

With EAPP CEO and IBM-Kenya Staff

IBM CSC Kenya-5 Team After final Presentation
We did it!!

Friday - Visit to KenGen Geo-Thermal Plant
Early Friday morning we drove to visit the Kenya Power Generation (KenGen) Geo-Thermal Plant. I have toured the Hydro Power Generation Plant before but this was my first time visiting a Geo Thermal Plant. It was interesting, amazing, and very informative to learn how the underground energy is tapped to generate electricity. Presently, this Geo thermal plant generates enough electricity for all Nairobi and surrounding area. We were given a tour of the plant and the surrounding areas. The plant is located right in the middle of national forest preservation. The ground is owned by government and KenGen is a government owned company. Beautiful surroundings!  Here are some pictures:
Olkaria Geo-Thermal Plant Map
Steam from Underground Well

Pipelines for transporting Steam and Water

Arriving at Olkaria
Friday Evening - Last Evening in Kenya with CSC Team
Time for goodbyes! Wait a minute, we still have entire evening to be together, have fun, and reflect on our assignments. First let's have dinner that John has prepared for us. Actually, John is the cook who we some times hire to cook dinner for us.  We tell him what we would like to eat and he does the shopping, cooking, etc.  Tonight, I belive he has cooked lamb for non-vegetarians and Dal and rice for vegetarians. 
Tadeu - not sure what to do!
John - But this lamb is watching Me!

Last Evening Together
#ibmcsc Kenya

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