Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Congratulations! You been selected for CSC!

Triumph, excitement, and joy are some of the words to describe my feelings when I received the email in May, 2011 announcing my selection to participate in the CSC program.  It is indeed a privilege and honor to be selected in this program! The Corporate Service Corps is a fabulous and unique opportunity to learn, work with global team members, and unique projects to solve problems for emergent markets. 
Now it was time to wait for announcement of dates and country of assignment. The email mentioned that teams will be deployed until beginning of November 2011.  However, I did not hear anything about my deployment by the end of November 2011.  It turned out to be blessing in disguise because I have been extremely busy supporting multiple projects and it would have been extremely difficult for me to leave any of the projects in the middle and go on to CSC assignment.
Then this year in January 2012 I received email from Jamie McDonald saying Congratulations! You've been invited to join the Kenya 5 CSC Team!  The Kenya 5 Team, i.e., the 5th IBM CSC team to go to Kenya!  The waiting was over, and training and preparation was on. 

IBM Corporate Service Corps

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