Friday, May 25, 2012

The EAPP Scope of Work (SOW) and Work Starts Now ...

My sub team has three members – Elisa Ferracane (USA), John Lawrie (UK), and myself (USA).  Our sub team’s SOW describes the work as “The EAPP would like to develop and deploy an Information Systems (+Network) to seamlessly integrate with all organs and bodies of EAPP for provision of technical, financial, and commercial information of power trading within and across countries within EAPP.

Elisa, John, and I have been very busy with the pre-work of this project. This week we have had three telecons to discuss the project to have a clear understanding of requirements, scope, and required deliverables.  We also created a list of questions that we sent to client so that we can have a teleconference but EAPP client sent us couple of documents in response. 
Only 4 days are left before we leave for Kenya.  There is so much to do!  My thoughts are on completing the deliverables on my regular project before I depart for Kenya and at the same time do as much as possible pre-work on EAPP project. #ibmcsc kenya

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